Minister Vučević opens “CISM European Conference“
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević opened the “CISM European Conference”, whose host this year is the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to the International Military Sports Council (CISM), at the Central Military Club in Belgrade today.

On that occasion, Minister Vučević expressed his pleasure at the opportunity to address the participants that this international conference has brought together in Belgrade, primarily because of an important anniversary that this organisation celebrates – 75 years since its foundation, and 20 years of our Delegation’s membership.
- Congratulations to everyone on this important jubilee. I believe that you will do many more good things in the period to come. We are honoured to be the hosts of this conference, and we are particularly glad that representatives of armed forces of 22 European countries have gathered today in Belgrade, in Serbia, in the international circumstances that are not at all favourable. And I am not only saying this formally, but sincerely. The Republic of Serbia, as a neutral country amidst complex relations in the world, wants to contribute in this way as well, to the promotion of peace and chivalry – Minister Vučević stressed.
We want, Minister Vučević said, to make the voice of the military participating in this conference be heard far.

- And we want you, the best sons and daughters of your countries, your fatherlands, homelands, to contribute to the development of friendship through sport and world peace with your sports skills, your overall education, integrity and Olympic spirit. Who understands the importance of peace better than a soldier? Who knows what war is, what great suffering and danger it brings to everyone better than those who have dedicated their whole lives to the defence and preservation of their people and their country? That is why I am speaking to you, because you know best how expensive and important peace among nations and countries is. That is why, through your organization, you strive to promote true values, the same values on which I believe what we do in the Republic of Serbia is based, and I wish to express my sincere congratulations to you on that - said Minister Vučević.
Serbia, Minister Vučević said, is a country with a chivalrous military tradition and a great tradition in sports, but it is also a country that seeks to resolve all disputes peacefully.
- And indeed, it is a symbolic message that in a neutral country, in the current global circumstances, members of the armed forces of 22 countries are making their contribution to the development of friendship and peace through participation and organization of sports competitions. We view all of you who are participating in this conference as friends, soldiers and athletes, same as those who in Ancient Greece once contributed to the Olympic Truce and, ultimately, lasting peace. We want to host all the participants of this conference here in Belgrade, guided by your motto - "friendship through sport". Serbia and the Serbian Armed Forces will always be your friends and allies in the fight for peace and friendship. Long live the spirit of sportsmanship, long live your sporting rivalry, welcome to Serbia - said Minister Vučević declaring the conference open.

On this occasion, CISM Vice-President Europe, Colonel Dirk Schwede, awarded Minister Vučević the CISM Order of Merit (Grand Officer) for the host country’s support and contribution.
Addressing the audience, Colonel Dirk Schwede congratulated the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia on organizing this international conference and touched on the history of the CISM, emphasizing the organization’s motto - "friendship through sport".

- The CISM motto is not only a challenge, but a task for everyone. All CISM members should make an effort to fulfil that task as best as they can, and in the coming days it is up to us, who have gathered at this conference, to continue working on it - said Colonel Schwede.
Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to CISM, Lieutenant Colonel Asst. Prof. Negovan Ivanković, PhD, noted that this year, the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to the International Military Sports Council is celebrating 20 years of membership, and that CISM is celebrating its 75th anniversary.

- It is an undeniable fact that today, thanks to the modern-day Olympic Movement and the programme of the International Military Sports Council, which is a unique, non-political international military sports organization, members of the armed forces all over the world contribute to the strengthening of friendship and cooperation on an international level, primarily through competitions on sports fields - emphasized Lieutenant Colonel Ivanković, expressing best wishes to all the participants for a successful conference.
The conference opening ceremony was attended by Minister of Sports Zoran Gajić, representatives of the National Assembly, members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, representatives of the Olympic Committee of Serbia, as well as representatives of state and provincial institutions.

The International Military Sports Council (CISM) was established in 1948 in Nice (France) as a unique, interdisciplinary global military sports organization and today it brings together the armed forces of 140 countries. The Republic of Serbia became its 127th member in 2003 and it has participated and hosted approximately 200 sports events in which 88 medals have been won.