Military Technical Gazette celebrates its 70th anniversary
A ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Military Technical Gazette - the science magazine of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, was held at the Central Military Club in Belgrade today.

The ceremony was attended by the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Vladimir Orlić, State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Mile Jelić, Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, Defence University Rector Brigadier General Prof. Boban Đorović, Head of the Human Resources Directorate (J-1, General Staff) Brigadier General Savo Iriškić, Head of the Training and Doctrine Directorate (J-7, General Staff) Brigadier General Muharem Fazlić, Military Academy Commandant Colonel Assoc. Prof. Srđan Blagojević and numerous guests.
The Military Academy of the Defence University has been the publisher of the Military Technical Gazette since 2018. Speaking on behalf of the magazine's publisher and editors, Head of the Dean's Office at the Military Academy, Colonel Assoc. Prof. Dragan Trifković, said that the anniversary was an opportunity to summarize past year’s results, recognize the deserving individuals and set goals for the coming years.

- The Military Technical Gazette is one of our University’s four magazines, which is a treasure trove of scientific, professional and review articles by authors from all over the world, and which provides free access for readers and free publication for authors. This kind of approach would not have been possible without the great support of the Ministry of Defence and we are grateful for that - said Colonel Trifković. One of the reasons why the Military Technical Gazette has lasted for seven decades, he added, is its unwavering quality, which is due to influential and esteemed authors and reviewers that belong to international scientists’ circles.
To mark this important jubilee, Military Academy Commandant, Colonel Blagojević, presented certificates of appreciation to deserving individuals and institutions that contributed to the magazine’s affirmation and progress.

The Military Technical Gazette continues its long tradition by publishing scientific and professional articles of importance for the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence, as well as articles concerning the wider national and international academic community.