Oath-taking ceremonies held
Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić attended the oath-taking ceremonies held in the Aerodrom Barracks in Sombor and the Field Marshal Živojin Mišić Barracks in Valjevo today.

In the Sombor, Valjevo and Leskovac barracks, the oath was taken by the cadets of the Military Academy (149th class) and the Medical Faculty, Military Medical Academy, (16th class), Reserve Officer Training Course students (Class of September 2024), students of the 1300 Corporals Secondary Vocational Military School (52nd class), candidates for the admission to Special Forces under Project 5000 and soldiers who are starting their voluntary military service (Class of September 2024).

- Today you made a promise – a big and binding one. You promised to safeguard and defend every foot of our beloved country and your fellow-countrymen’s right to freedom. The military oath leaves a deep mark in the life of everyone who takes it. Behind its wording lies the maturity of a young man, brought up in a spirit of patriotism. The one who takes the military oath demonstrates a willingness to tackle life's challenges and show responsibility for both oneself and others. By taking the military oath, you have joined the ranks of your brave and courageous fathers and grandfathers before you. Therefore, I once again congratulate the parents of our cadets and soldiers from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for raising such conscientious and brave patriots - said the Minister of Defence.

- As you walk along that path, may you be inspired by the glorious deeds of the Serbian army and our great military leaders, as well as the words of the military oath you have just taken. Having made a solemn vow today, you have truly become part of the Cadet Brigade. I wish you a successful education and I hope that excellent health and good luck accompany you on your way to becoming officers of the Serbian Armed Forces - emphasized Minister Gašić. He told the cadets of the MMA’s Medical Faculty that the medical profession and uniform were a combination of humanity and honour, medical and military ethics, a combination of the greatest virtues that can be put at the service of one’s people and country.
- You have just taken the military oath, and once you complete your studies, you will take the Hippocratic Oath. May both those oaths guide you in your upcoming training and professional careers – said Minister Gašić.
Minister Gašić also addressed the soldiers who took the oath today, saying that he deeply appreciated their decision to join the military.

According to him, the Serbian Armed Forces and their members will always be a firm support for our homeland and its citizens, for better or for worse. We are developing our operational capabilities and boosting morale, we are training and arming ourselves to be able to defend Serbia and protect its vital interests and values, hoping that we will never have to use those capabilities in reality, he said.
- Dear cadets and soldiers, be proud of the oath you have taken. Never forget that Serbia’s freedom is the greatest value and ideal that you protect. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces! Long live Serbia - said the Minister of Defence.

Addressing the people gathered in Valjevo, the Minister of Defence said that taking the military oath “is an act of deep respect and faith in the values our military cherishes and preserves”, and that “it is a growth in maturity and a measure of responsibility that a young person shows towards their country and people”.

He said that the generations who had joined the military ranks before them had also committed themselves to serving and being loyal to the motherland.

- It also speaks of your ambition to become professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces. Make sure to acquire as much knowledge and skill as possible in the coming months, since they will help you in your future career as officers. Respect your commanders and learn from them. They are your teachers now, but will be your colleagues one day. Keep in mind that in terms of knowledge, behaviour, discipline and dignity, there must be no difference between you and your colleagues who have graduated from the Military Academy. By making an effort, prove that you deserve to be awarded the rank of second lieutenant and be admitted to professional military service - said Minister Gašić.

- You are the ones who taught them values, discipline, respect and love for their homeland. You deserve the gratitude of our country and military, because these beautiful young men and women would not be here today if you had not instilled the sense of honour and patriotism in them. As the Minister of Defence and as a parent, I share your joy and pride - emphasized Minister Gašić and told the candidates and students that “they are joining the Serbian Armed Forces, which are getting stronger by the day”.

- Those of you who become professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces after completing your reserve officer training and Special Forces selection and training will get the opportunity to build your careers and secure a future for yourselves and your families. Sons and daughters of Serbia, the oath you took today echoes throughout our country. May it forever echo in your hearts as well. Wear the insignia of our armed forces with pride and protect the honour and dignity of the uniform that the citizens of Serbia trust without reservation. Congratulations on taking the oath. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces! Long live Serbia - Minister Gašić concluded.
The ceremony in Valjevo was attended by Commander of the Training Command Maj. Gen. Zoran Nasković, Head of the Office of the Minister of Defence Brig. Gen. Goran Momčilović, Head of the Public Relations Department Brig. Gen. Asst. Prof. Mihailo Zogović, Commander of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade Brig. Gen. Miroslav Talijan, Commandant of the Military Academy Col. Assoc. Prof. Srđan Blagojević, Commander of the Second Training Centre Col. Saša Stojiljković, representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, local self-government, religious communities, and the sworn-in candidates’ numerous relatives and friends.

- The Military Academy and the Military Medical Academy offer a specific education that is different compared to other faculties. Medicine in itself is difficult and extensive, and at the Military Medical Academy we are divided into smaller, narrower expert groups, and we have highly educated professors who can pass on their knowledge to us - said Cadet Vuković.
Tara Mitić from Novi Sad, who is enrolled in the MMA’s Medical Faculty, took the military oath in Sombor today.
- I think that the Military Academy and the Military Medical Academy offer better opportunities for me to establish myself as an expert in many fields, to progress and work on myself more than some civilian faculties do. I'm looking forward to my training and I'm not afraid of anything - said Cadet Mitić.
Private Marko Nikolić from Bačka Palanka says that serving in the military and wearing a uniform is his childhood dream, but also a part of his family tradition.

Aleksandra Zlatanović, a student of the Reserve Officer Training Course who took the military oath in Valjevo today, says that she is a professor at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, but that she has always wanted to be a member of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- My parents and my best friend are here to support me, we've all been waiting for this for a long time, so we're elated, and we will celebrate later - said Aleksandra Zlatanović, expressing her pride and joy openly.
After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine, Vukašin Kocić from Niš decided to wear a uniform and continue the family tradition.
- I like the uniform and I want to serve my country. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all my peers who have graduated from civilian faculties to join the military and serve our homeland - said Kocić, a student of the Reserve Officer Training Course.