
Preview of documentary about 175th anniversary of Military Academy

To mark the Military Academy Day, a preview of the documentary about the 175th anniversary of the Military Academy entitled “Nasleđe časti i znanja” (Legacy of Honour and Knowledge), produced by the Military Film Centre "Zastava Film", Public Relations Department, Ministry of Defence, was held tonight at the General Jovan Mišković barracks in Belgrade.

The film screening was attended by the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Mile Jelić, Acting Assistant Minister of Defence for Human Resources Siniša Radović, Rector of the Defence University Brigadier General Prof. Boban Đorović, Ph.D., Head of the Human Resources Department, General Staff, Brigadier General Slađan Hristov, Commandant of the Military Academy, Colonel Prof. Srđan Blagojević, Ph.D., Military Bishop Dositej of Lipljan, members of the Defence University and numerous guests.

Addressing the audience, Colonel Blagojević said that “the history of the Military Academy is 175 years long and it is famous for a reason”. It is an eternal inspiration to those who live and work there, he said, but also to all the officers who matured there.

- We have gathered here tonight to screen a documentary about the Military Academy together with our cadets and to acknowledge those who are the most responsible for our positive impressions of the film. I would like to thank "Zastava Film" for another joint project, the film director, but also the cadets, commanders, and professors who have participated in the film or have contributed to it in some other way - said Colonel Blagojević and congratulated members of the Military Academy on their anniversary.
To mark the Military Academy Day and the 175th anniversary of the establishment of military education in Serbia, PE “Pošta Srbije” has issued a set of commemorative postage stamps. The Commandant of the Military Academy presented the first copy of the commemorative stamp to Patriarch Porfirije.

Patriarch Porfirije said that it was a great joy and an exceptional honour for him to attend the celebration of the important anniversary of the Military Academy.

- Coming to the Military Academy, you cannot help but see the banner "Honour is our Property". I am amazed by the fact that, despite numerous trials, we, the people of Saint Sava, have maintained a spiritual high worthy of our glorious ancestors. This axiom, which is often missing today, is our pressing need, because it not only reveals who we are, what we are like and what we strive for, but also what we are – said Porfirije and expressed his delight at the fact that “even though we are a small country and a small nation, we have a Military Academy with long-established tradition, which is best reflected in the competent cadre it has produced”.

Members of the Military Academy are awarded the annual General Ljubiša Stojimirović Award for achievements in the cultural sphere. This year's laureate is Lieutenant Colonel Nebojša Kljajić from the Military Academy’s Command and Leadership Department. The award was presented to him by Colonel Blagojević.

As part of the Military Academy Day celebrations, as is now traditional, a descendant of General Jovan Mišković, Mihailo Ruvidić, is donating very valuable historical artefacts to the Military Academy, which will take their deserved place in the Memorial Room at the Military Academy. As of today, the Memorial Room is richer by two swords (foils) that are more than 130 years old, a WWI artillery shell for the 8cm Škoda cannon, and a bust of Brigadier General Ilija Dimitrijević, a former cadet of the Military Academy. As a token of gratitude, the Commandant of the Military Academy presented a Plaque to Mihajlo Ruvidić.

The film was directed by Danilo Paškvan, produced by Colonel Goran Ikonić (retd), and written by Lieutenant Colonel Nebojša Kljajić, while the executive producer was Lieutenant Colonel Bojan Pavić. Editors, cameramen and camera assistants from the MFC "Zastava Film" were involved in the production of the film.
Tonight's ceremony included the performance of the Military Academy's singing club, led by Cadet Pavle Blagojević, who performed the spiritual song "Mi smo deca neba” (We are the Children of Heaven).

To mark the Military Academy Day, a part of the Memorial Room showcasing the period in the history of the institution from 1991 to the present, was formally inaugurated tonight.