
Promotion of Reserve Officers of Class “March 2020”

Minister Vulin: You have shown your best face in difficult times
Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin attended a celebration of completion of military specialist training for reserve officers of class March 2020 and their promotion to rank of Reserve Second Lieutenants of Serbian Armed Forces held in barracks “General Jovan Mišković” in Belgrade.
Congratulating to the youngest reserve officers on their first rank, Minister Vulin stated that the March class of students training to become reserve officers had been given a burdensome and difficult task in the moment when our nation fought against corona virus to be at disposal to their country and their people.  
- You worked even more than it was required from you. You had been ready to act and behave as soldiers even before you became soldiers and you had been leaders to your men even before you formally received rank that would place you in front of your men. You behaved just like a Serbian officer should, can and must behave. You have shown your best face in difficult times – stated Minister Vulin adding that when he stood in front of willing and excellent men, who had chosen on their own to dedicate their time, knowledge and values to their country and their armed forces, he knew that the people would never be but free and they would never learn what some larger, richer and more powerful nations had learned and that was slavery.
The Serbian people appreciates freedom above all – says Minister Vulin pointing out that it is the reason why the sons and daughters of the people that knows the price of freedom, are the guarantee that Jadovno, Jasenova and the “Storm” will never happen again to our people.
- You are the reason why we can be assured and peaceful. It is only when Serbia is strong, and when it has powerful and numerous armed forces that the peace is secured and certain. Thank you for the time you have given to your armed forces and the time you have given to your country – said Minister Vulin to the youngest reserve officers of the Serbian Armed Forces.

Thirty attenders of Infantry branch and four from Telecommunication service were promoted to rank of Reserve Second Lieutenant.
This year, the first ranking attender of the 137th reserve officers’ class, is Reserve Second Lieutenant Uroš Jovanović who said on behalf of “March 2020” class that patriotic feelings had been the reason why he and his colleagues decided to obtain the title of Reserve Officers of Serbian Armed Forces after completion of their civilian faculties. Though their training was carried out in more difficult circumstances caused by COVID-19 outbreak, Jovanović emphasises that it did not present an obstacle for the new generation of reserve officers to give its contribution to several month long fight to supress the infection.
- Just like many times before, the Serbian people stands the test of history. We, reserve officers and soldiers were given an honour and opportunity to defend our country and to do so both in times of peace and war. In times of peace, we give a positive example to our youth stating that despite challenges that the modern age entails, there is someone ready to devote his knowledge, know-how and skills to his fatherland and its prosperity, because Serbia has not been given as a gift to any of us. It has been created by many generations, through their own sacrifices, work and abilities. In times of war, we are ready to give the most valuable thing that we possess, and we give it for survival of our people and preservation of our state - Jovanović said.

Minister Vulin presented hand watches with inscription to three best ranking reserve officers of the Military Academy, Reserve Second Lieutenant Uroš Jovanović (average score 9.78), Reserve Second Lieutenant Stefan Arizanović (average score 9.67) and Reserve Second Lieutenant Nataša Živanović (9.44).
Before he attended Reserve Officers’ Course of Serbian Armed Forces, Reserve Second Lieutenant Stefan Arizanović from Vranje had completed Higher Vocational Studies Business School, at Department for taxes and customs. He said that he had been motivated to become a reserve officer by family tradition and his father who had been a serviceman.
- As regards our senior officers, I have only the words of praise for them. Their relation towards us was correct throughout our education, and they were constantly at our disposal. They worked with us, and assisted in our professional advancement. As for COVID-19 virus, it was with their support that we withstood everything and created a very strong collective - underscored Arizanović whose wish is to find employment as a reserve officer of Serbian Armed Forces in Vranje, the town of his birth.  
Today, Nataša Živanović from Krupanj was also among those promoted to the rank of Reserve Second Lieutanant, who otherwise holds a Master degree as a professor physical education.
- First of all I came here because I love armed forces, uniform and Serbia, my fatherland. When I heard of the reserve officers’ class, I did not think for a second and I applied immediately. Over these six months at the Miltiary Academy, in the field and during my internship, I was very satisfied. We have learnt a lot and I thing that we found ourselves there. After no more than seven days, I realised here at the Military Academy waring my uniform that it was me. I can freely say that I did not make a mistake – Živanović stresses.

Today’s ceremony was attended by Rector of University of Defence Lieutenant Colonel Goran Radovanović PhD, Head of Military Academy Major General Bojan Zrnić PhD, Head of Human Resources Department in Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Brigadier General Savo Iriškić  and Head of Telecommunications and IT Department in Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Brigadier General Ljubiša Đolović.
Address by Minister Vulin
Address by the reserve lieutenant Uroš Jovanović
Statement by Lieutenant Natasa Zivanovic
Statement of reserve lieutenant Stefan Arizanović