
Soldiers take oath of enlistment in the barracks in Valjevo, Sombor and Leskovac

Today, 405 soldiers of the “September 2020” generation serving voluntary military service, 191 cadets of the 145th class of the Military Academy, 30 cadets of the 12th class of the Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy, 51 participants of the Reserve Officers’ Course of the “September 2020” generation and 37 students of the 48th class of the Secondary Vocational Military School took the oath of enlistment in the barracks in Valjevo, Sombor and Leskovac.
The oath-taking ceremony in the “Vojvoda Živojin Mišić” barracks in Valjevo was attended by the Commandant of the Military Academy, Major General Bojan Zrnić, Chief of Staff of the Training Command, Colonel Nikola Dejanović, Chief of the Kolubara district Goran Milivojević, the Mayor of Valjevo Lazar Gojković, and the Bishop of Šabac Lavrentije.
 - Serbian soldiers have taken the oath of enlistment since time immemorial, pledging allegiance and loyalty to their homeland. The defence of the homeland has always been an expression of honour and more than an obligation for our people. Confirming the tradition of the glorious Serbian Army, the event in which we participate here together is proof that citizens of Serbia are aware of the importance of the security of the homeland. Those who choose to become soldiers deserve special respect, because to be a soldier means to serve the common good, to be in a binding relationship with the homeland and to be ready to make efforts and sacrifices in order to defend and achieve the noblest values of a society – said Colonel Nikola Dejanović, congratulating the soldiers, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, on taking the oath. 
More and more young people decide to tie their future to the defence system, Colonel Dejanović pointed out, and added that it is proof of the reputation the armed forces have among its people.

 - Along with military skills, you will make lifelong friends in the military, and gain life experience that will be useful for the rest of your lives. By working in military units, you will become part of a unique team in which morale, military spirit and work discipline are developed and the honour of the profession is nurtured. Serbian soldiers must always be trained for the greatest challenges, and a lot of sacrifice, discipline and perseverance will be required from you. You have always been and always will be in the forefront. You will show every day how the country should be protected, defended and loved, how those who are endangered should be helped - said Colonel Dejanović, thanking the families of soldiers and cadets, who could not attend the oath-taking ceremony due to protective measures against Covid-19.
The Deputy Commander of the Training Command, Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević, congratulated the soldiers on taking the oath of enlistment in the "Airport" barracks in Sombor, and the Head of the Human Resources Department of the General Staff, Brigadier General Savo Iriškić congratulated the soldiers in the “Vojvoda Petar Bojović” barracks in Leskovac.
One of the soldiers who took the oath of enlistment today is the cadet of the Military Academy, Stefan Glišić from Bratunac, who graduated from the Military Grammar School before the Military Academy, gaining useful knowledge and experience there.

- As a student of the Military Grammar School, I gained that experience. We mature faster. We have very good living and working conditions. The school is very good, the teachers are excellent and they pass on sound knowledge to us. We now have a much greater advantage over the civilians who enrolled in the Military Academy. Although I have been in the military for a long time, today's swearing-in is the first military step, because today I swear to be something that I will be for the rest of my life - said Cadet Glišić.
For cadet of the MMA’s Medical Faculty, Marica Pejić from Novi Sad, being a doctor and an officer at the same time is a great goal which requires a great sacrifice and hard work.

- The military is one of the major institutions in the country and it offers a lot. First of all, I decided for it because of the organization, work, order and discipline that the military and the collective offer. Every day, you encounter obstacles that you have to overcome, but which will enable you to go through life more easily in the future - emphasizes Cadet Pejić and recommends everyone who is determined, persistent and hardworking to join the military and serve Serbia.

Private Boris Radovanović from Čačak applied for voluntary military service for patriotic reasons, but also because of the employment opportunity.

- I think that it is every adult man’s duty and obligation to view military service as a debt to the homeland. Also, I wanted to test the limits of my physical endurance, and there is also the possibility of employment in the Serbian Armed Forces - said Radovanović, who says that drills and firing an automatic rifle left the strongest impression on him.
Private Jovana Vidojević from Novi Pazar comes from a family with eight children.

- I have been in the military since 1 September. I have wonderful impressions. It was my wish to wear this uniform. I fulfilled my greatest wish. Everything in life is difficult, but if you have a goal, which is the most important thing, you can do everything - says Jovana and points out that she learned a lot of new things at the training and that she wants to get a job as a professional soldier.
Taking the military oath in Valjevo
Statement by cadet Marica Pejić
Statement of cadet Stefan Glišić