
President Vučić presents decorations to members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces

The President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić presented decorations for exceptional merit and results achieved in the field of defence and security to members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in a ceremony held in the Presidency building.

The award ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović and the Air Force and Air Defence Commander, Major General Duško Žarković.
 By the decree issued by the President of the Republic, Lieutenant Colonel Boško Šerbedžija and Lieutenant Colonel Zoran Erkić were awarded the "Miloš Obilić" Silver Medal for Bravery for outstanding courage and acts of heroism, to whom President Vučić presented decorations at the beginning of today's ceremony.

President Vučić presented the Medal of Merit to 32 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, and the Silver Medal for Zealous Service to 52 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

In his address, President Vučić sent two messages to the decorated individuals:

- The first being that, whatever medal or decoration you receive, it is a special obligation and a great honour for you. You are not just members of the armed forces, but people chosen by the state to do the most important job, to guard it and to serve it. But you also have the obligation to wear that medal and decoration wherever you go. You must always be the most responsible, the most serious, and the most diligent people. It's a great commitment. Your parents, spouses and children will be proud of the medals you have received for doing good deeds and great things at a time when doing so is not easy at all - said President Vučić.
 As he pointed out, the decorated individuals should represent the interests of their homeland in the best way everywhere, they should be an example to everyone and always fight for their country.
- I know that the position of the armed forces and soldiers is not ideal, but we have been trying, in difficult conditions, to gradually improve soldiers’ material status and raise our armed forces’ interoperable capabilities and combat readiness. The most important thing is to improve your material status and the standard of living - the President of Serbia emphasized.
According to the President, many view Serbia as a disruptive factor.
- We do not want to be weak or endanger anyone. We will keep the peace, but you need to be careful and ready to defend and protect our country from a potential aggressor at all times. We must always be prepared for that - President Vučić pointed out and expressed hope that the medal would act as an incentive for the decorated individuals to work even more diligently in the future.
Lieutenant Colonel Boško Šerbedžija was awarded the "Miloš Obilić" Silver Medal for Bravery. In his opinion, every commendation and award for a member of the armed forces has a double significance.
- It has personal significance, as recognition for commitment and hard work and more importantly, it is proof that our Army and Air Force have good recruitment, selection and training processes. I would like to thank all my former teachers, professors, officers commanding and commanding officers of the units I served in, because they passed on their knowledge to me in the best way and enabled me to proudly wear this decoration - said Lieutenant Colonel Šerbedžija.
 One of the decorated members is Sergeant Major Dragan Stevanović from the 126th ASEWG Brigade.

- I am extremely honoured to have been awarded the Medal of Merit by the President of the Republic. I am glad that after 30 years of service, I have received such a high decoration. As a non-commissioned officer of the Serbian Armed Forces, I have participated in many actions and combat operations, and that is why I am really honoured to have received the decoration - said Sergeant Major Stevanović.

Civilian employee Saško Stević from the MoD’s Požarevac Centre was awarded the Silver Medal of Merit.

- I am extremely glad because this is the highest decoration I have received so far. The decoration belongs not only to me, but also to my team and my family, which is important to me. Also, the decoration will act as an incentive for me to perform my future tasks in the best way - said Stević.
Corporal Saša Kukolj from Pančevo’s 333rd Engineer Battalion was awarded the Silver Medal for Zealous Service, which he thinks he deserves for his 25 years of service in the military.
- This decoration means the most to me, although it is not my first. I will continue trying to contribute as much as I can to my unit’s success - Corporal Kukolj emphasized, adding that due to his frequent working in the field, his family also deserves credit for this decoration.