
Minister Vulin Opened Air Gun Shooting Range in the Military Grammar School Hall of Residence

On the occasion of the start of the school year, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin visited the Hall of Residence of the Military Grammar School and Military High Vocational School, where he opened a new air gun shooting range, the most modern one in the country, where he attended a shooting demonstration from air guns.
On that occasion, he underlined that military education was the key and basis of every armed force.

- Here, we produce extraordinary non-commissioned officers, but we also prepare them to become officers, if they decide to enrol on the Military Academy. I would first of all thank their parents for immense confidence and love which they showed for their country, and we will not fail that confidence in any way. The conditions for their education are the best and there is no school in this country which can match the conditions that our students have in the Military Grammar School and the hall or residence of the Military Grammar School. They can practice sports, they have been provided with excellent accommodation, they have great professors, and now they have got a new air gun shooting range so that they can advance those skills as well and make progress - Minister Vulin stressed.
According to him, everybody who ties his destiny to the Serbian Armed Forces should know that it is up to him to give his best, and all the rest is the job of the system.
We take care of what they will wear, where they will sleep, what they will eat, how they will be educated, where they will work, what salary they will have - it is all our responsibility. It is up to you to give your best, and it is up to you to have confidence in your country and your armed forces. This year, we have admitted 111 boys and girls to the Military Grammar School, and 75 of them to Military High Vocational School. Both Military Grammar School and Military High Vocational School recorded much higher percentage of admitted students when compared to previous years. That shows how much the people trust their armed forces and that they are aware of the fact that one who opts for military calling has reason to be a great optimist regarding one’s future - stated Minister Vulin.

During the visit, the minister of defence saw a presentation of new equipment for radiogoniometrics, after which he toured the building of the hall of residence.
In conversation with the students of the 48th class of Military Grammar School and Military High Vocational School who have started their education today, Minister Vulin wished them a lot of success in the course of their education.
Head of Military Grammar School Navy Captain Miroslav Ćitić talked about present developments of that establishment.
- This day is very important for Military Grammar School, because precisely 50 years ago, in 1970, instruction started for the students of the first class of the Military Grammar School. I am particularly glad that today in the hall of residence of the Military Grammar School, apart from the minister of defence and the highest generals, we have hosted the students of that first class of the Military Grammar School who will share their experiences with the students of our youngest, 48th class who are only beginning their education - said Navy Captain Ćitić and added that the instruction will be combined in the first semester, immediately and as distance learning, for two classes of students, with full respect for all epidemiological safety measures.

Colonel Stavan Mušicki, Head of Military High Vocational School, after having presented the most significant results of that establishment, expressed his satisfaction with the opening of the new shooting range.
- It is after 10 years that we have opened the new state-of-the-art air gun shooting range, which will enable the students of Military Grammar School and Military High Vocational School a training within instruction on arms and shooting, so the students will, upon completion of this part of education, be fully ready to use fire arms as well.
Colonel Mušicki thanked the minister of defence on provided assistance and support for development of Military High Vocational School, and on that occasion he presented the minister with the Plaque of that military educational establishment.
One of the students of the 48th class of Military Grammar School who has started his education in that establishment today, is Miloš Marković from Jagodina. He says that he has wished to be a serviceman since was a child and that his parents are proud of him because of that decision.
- Apart from offering free education, the Military Grammar School provides and ensures excellent knowledge necessary for enrolment on the Military Academy - Miloš points out confirming that he has successfully completed adjustment period and that the conditions in the hall of residence, and food, accommodation and everything else are at the highest level.
During the tour, which was attended by Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Major General Petar Cvetković, Rector of University of Defence Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović and Head of Miltiary Academy Major General Bojan Zrnić, Minister Vulin greeted former students of the Military Grammar School of its first class.