
Minister Stefanović: Our struggle for the survival, preservation and future of Serbia must be resolute

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, attended the celebration of the National Defence School "Vojvoda Radomir Putnik" Day. Radomir Putnik, who possessed wisdom, courage, talent for strategy and perseverance, must be a role model for our officers, and our fight for the survival, preservation and future of Serbia must be just like his – resolute, the Minister said on this occasion.

Extending his greetings for the holiday, the minister reminded that it was one of the most important strategy schools and that our future depended on its work.

- We are witnessing dramatic changes taking place on a global level. Challenges, risks and threats, ranging from classic military conflicts which  use both hybrid and traditional ways of warfare, in which the importance of modern technology is becoming more pronounced, to difficult-to-manage energy, economic and other crises, are more frequent and more complicated to address in today's interdependent world. Even the richest and most powerful countries in the world are facing them. Serbia is facing difficult days, the likes of which we have not had in the last twenty years, days of struggle for survival, preservation and future of our Kosovo and Metohija, and peace and stability, and the economy, so that our people would not starve, freeze, nor lack anything - said Minister Stefanović.
Over the last ten years we have been fighting a fierce battle to kick-start our economy opening factories, new jobs, attracting new investment, re-strengthening our devastated military, building highways, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, strengthening our country's economy and turning Serbia into a better place for all our children, he said.

- As a nation, we have been hardworking, persistent and resolute, achieving positive results. The days ahead of us require the defence, i.e. the preservation of everything we have achieved; they require wisdom, courage and enormous energy to deal with all the crises and challenges. We have not caused them, we do not participate in them, nor have we contributed to them. However, the world is not a just place. It is not - said Minister Stefanović, quoting the Greek historian Thucydides who said: "The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must." 

According to him, in such a world we have to fight as best as we can for the preservation of Serbia, because we have no other homeland.
- We have to protect our interests, because, surely, no one else will do it for us. I am happy that in these complex times our country has a strong, modernly equipped, armed and, above all, well-trained military. President Vučić's unstinting support and determination to build a strong military, to build and strengthen our defence capabilities over the past several years, proved to be a far-reaching, wise, statesmanlike decision, thanks to which, today we can talk about it holding our heads up high. Today, many countries are following in our footsteps, although they were sceptical about our efforts at the time, trying to persuade us that we did not need to strengthen our military, that we did not need more soldiers, equipment or technology, and today they are doing exactly the same thing. Many started investing tens or even hundreds of billions of euros in the military, and today we can see that Europe is starting to comprehend that a state cannot be strong without a strong military - said Minister Stefanović.

"That path guarantees the preservation of peace and stability, without which there is no development or prosperity, and the price of conflict and instability is too high. The people have to pay that price and nothing can compensate for them," said the minister.

- Once again, I want to congratulate you on the National Defence School Day and to thank everyone at the Defence University for their dedication and doing their best to train officers to be capable of assessing and responding to current and future challenges, to be knowledgeable and above all - good people, loyal to their country. Only the people who possess those qualities are capable of commanding their men upon returning to their units, of leading them and earning their respect. The way the great Radomir Putnik did it. Field Marshal Putnik was loved by the entire Serbian Army because he always stood with his soldiers - said Minister Stefanović.

Putnik, he reminded, occupied one of the most prominent places, not only in our military history, but in the history of the world.
- He wore a military uniform for 56 years during the most tumultuous period of Serbian history, a period in which our country broke “the shackles of centuries-long slavery” and took a big step forward developing into a modern European state. His merits were outstanding. He did a lot a for the Serbian people, not only in the six wars in which he took part, but prior to that, in peacetime, when he had patiently created an army that would later bring a much stronger army to its knees - Minister Stefanović said.
He pointed out that Putnik had been responsible for the modernization of our army in all aspects, from weapons and training to education.

- For that reason, I am particularly pleased that last year we named the National Defence School after the great Radomir Putnik. His wisdom, courage, sense of strategy and perseverance must be a role-model for our officers, and this school must provide them with these values. And our struggle for the survival, preservation and future of Serbia must be just like his - resolute, no matter how difficult it may be. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces! Long live Serbia! - Minister Stefanović said at the end of his address.

Head of the National Defence School, Colonel Mićo Suvajac, presented the summary of last year’s accomplishments to the audience and emphasized the importance of infrastructure projects that would improve the training conditions.

- The school’s main task was to implement special training programmes at all four levels. I believe that we have managed to fulfil all the tasks assigned to us almost fully and adequately. On this holiday, I take the opportunity to thank the Minister of Defence, without whose wholehearted support the school would not have adequate material and technical resources today - said Colonel Suvajac.

On the occasion of the National Defence School Day, plaques were presented to representatives of the Training Command, the Fourth Army Brigade and the River Flotilla. The best Basic Command and Staff Course participants were awarded watches, and deserving individuals were awarded prizes.

Today's ceremony was also attended by Assistant Minister for Human Resources Katarina Tomašević and Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Predrag Bandić, Rector of the Defence University, Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović, PhD, Head of the Human Resources Department, General Staff, Brigadier General Savo Iriškić, Head of the Defence Minister’s Office, Colonel Stevan Kotarlić, and numerous guests.