
The Military Academy at the presentation of the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces "Granit 2023"

At the presentation of the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces "Granit 2023" at the military airport "Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović" in Batajnica, the members of the Military Academy demonstrated some of the modern teaching aids, as well as school curricula and studying programmes and living and working conditions.

As part of the programme, the Military Academy demonstrated a flight simulator for the "Lasta" aircraft and an aerial shooting range.

A large number of visitors, most of whom are the youngest, with the assistance of the best shooters, had the opportunity to show their skills in shooting with air weapons, but also to try out the controls of the "Lasta" aircraft with the professional help of future pilots.

At the promotional stand, officers, cadets of the Military Academy and students of the Military Grammar School and Military Vocational School "1300 Corporals" introduced visitors to all aspects of life and work and familiarised those interested with the procedures for enrolling in military schools.