
Ceremony commemorating 20th anniversary of membership in CISM

A ceremony commemorating the 20th anniversary of membership of the Republic of Serbia in the International Military Sports Council - CISM was held today at the Central Military Club’s grand hall in Belgrade. The ceremony was attended by State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Nemanja Starović, Assistant Minister of Defence for Human Resources Siniša Radović, Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Petar Cvetković, and Minister of Sport Zoran Gajić.

Assistant Minister of Defence Radović conveyed greetings and congratulations from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević on the anniversary of CISM’s branch in Serbia, adding that the years behind us were a period of great effort and success for many people in the armed forces.

- Twenty years ago, the Republic of Serbia became a member of this large organization which comprises more than 150 countries. This provided us with a framework and helped us establish credibility to compete with all the world's athletes, with members of the world's most elite armed forces and the world's largest countries. And that is exactly what our athletes have been doing.  They have made us happy and proud many times - said Assistant Minister Radović.

According to him, physical training and psychological and physical fitness of Serbian soldiers was and remains a priority for the Serbian Armed Forces.

- Just as sport is a kind of game or fight, practice and competition, contests that require strength, audacity, pushing one’s limits of endurance, agility, skill, motivation etc. are the characteristics and qualities of the Serbian soldier, but also of every athlete. I would like to emphasize once again that our soldiers do all the preparations, go on travels, participate and achieve great results at competitions while doing their regular work tasks at the same time, and that is why I would like to express my praise and admiration for the Serbian military athletes - said Assistant Minister Radović and wished them success in the future and even better results.

Minister Gajić congratulated military athletes on their anniversary, saying that the glorious history of the Serbian army still inspires our top athletes to win the world’s most important medals, but that it is not only about the shine of the medals, but about the way they are won.
- Thank you for continuing the wonderful and heroic history, and congratulations on your great jubilee. You can count on the full support of the Ministry of Sport and myself in everything you do - Minister Gajić said.

According to Head of the Serbian Delegation to CISM, Lieutenant Colonel Negovan Ivanković, this organization fosters friendship between military athletes around the world, aiming to promote peace and security.
- The delegation of the Republic of Serbia to CISM has taken part in about 200 CISM events in the past period. We have won a total of 85 medals in 113 competitions. Also, we have successfully organized a number of sports events and participated in competitions throughout the world, which is why the Republic of Serbia has gained considerable reputation and respect - said Lieutenant Colonel Ivanković.

To mark the anniversary, the Serbian Delegation to CISM presented awards to the most successful athletes and sports teams of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in 2022. Deserving individuals, institutions, associates and athletes were presented with certificates of recognition for outstanding contribution to the affirmation of military sports and excellent results achieved by the Serbian Delegation to CISM.
The Military Academy Sports Unit member Aleksandar Kukolj, vice-champion at two Judo Grand Slam tournaments in Baku and Antalya and third place winner at the Judo Grand Slam in Abu Dhabi was awarded a cup for the most successful athlete in 2022. The cup was presented to him by Assistant Minister of Defence Radović, whereas Minister Gajić presented the Sports Team of the Year Award to the Serbian military futsal team, the winner of the "13th CISM Futsal Cup for Peace", an international military tournament held in Novi Sad in 2022.

At today's ceremony, certificates of recognition were presented for outstanding contribution to strengthening the reputation of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces through notable sports achievements in 2022. Awards were presented to Sergeant Đuro Borbelj, winner of numerous marathon and half-marathon awards, to the Army Sports Team, winner of a 10-kilometre obstacle course race at the Serbian Armed Forces championship and the most promising MoD and SAF sports team in 2022 - “Nemanjića Orlovi"- the military pentathlon team of the Military Academy. The awards were presented to award-winners by Deputy Chief of the General Staff, General Cvetković, Head of the Training and Doctrine Department (J-7), Brigadier General Muharem Fazlić, and Chairperson of the Serbian National Assembly Subcommittee on Sports, Tanja Medved.

Certificates of recognition for outstanding contribution to the affirmation of military sports and excellent results achieved by the Serbian Delegation to CISM were awarded to Minister of Sport Gajić, President of the Olympic Committee of Serbia Božidar Maljković, Provincial Secretary for Sports and Youth of Vojvodina Dane Basta, Chairperson of the Serbian National Assembly Subcommittee on Sports Tanja Medved, representatives of eminent sports institutions, organizational units of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, and heads of the Serbian Delegation to CISM from 2003 to 2023.

Certificates of recognition were presented to national sports organizations, managers, coaches, athletes, associates, and representatives of municipalities, local self-governments, media and legal entities.

Special awards were presented to Lieutenant Colonel Dragan Todorov and Captain Goran Čegar for 20 years of actively participating in the preparation and hosting of events organized by the Serbian Delegation to CISM, for outstanding contribution to Serbia’s reputation in this international military sports organization and the promotion of military sports in Serbia and abroad.

At the end of the ceremony, which was attended by members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, prominent sports personalities and military sports fans, "Stanislav Binički" Ensemble performed a musical program, following which the guests made a tour of the exhibition organized in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Serbia's membership in the International Military Sports Council.