
Minister Vulin: Cadets of the Military Academy show exceptional results

Today, the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin, and the Commandant of the Military Academy, Major General Bojan Zrnić, visited cadets of the 141st and 142nd classes of the Military Academy and participants of the Reserve Officers Course who are conducting firing from infantry weapons at the stationary camp in the "Krivul" Military Complex near Zaječar.
After attending a part of the firing practice, Minister Vulin pointed out that the cadets of the final years of the Military Academy continue with special forms of instruction and show that everything they did in the past years has given results.
   - They are preparing to complete the education process very soon, to take on their duties and to finally start doing what they have been preparing for, to take charge of the soldiers and the troops. We can see that, together with their professors, they achieve really exceptional results - the Minister of Defence emphasized.
According to him, the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence and our entire country is to provide them with appropriate equipment and conditions, but also to improve their financial status.
- We improve it every year, so that their hard and strenuous work that awaits them can be rewarded in an appropriate way - said Minister Vulin.

According to the commander of the stationary camp at the "Krivul" Military Complex, Major Željko Popović, the fourth-year cadets of the Military Academy, who were undergoing training at the "Orešac" training ground until recently, the third-year cadets of the Military Academy and participants of the Reserve Officers Course are at the camp.
 - During the camping, we conduct firing practices in accordance with the curriculum for special forms of instruction. So far, all firing practices have been successfully conducted and assessed as “very good” and “excellent”. In cooperation with the 72nd Special Operations Brigade, a demonstration and training with modern weapons and equipment were successfully conducted, and cadets and course participants had the opportunity to fire from FN Scar assault rifles - said Major Popović, adding that he was extremely satisfied with the work and results achieved by cadets and the participants of the Reserve Officers Course, who showed great motivation to acquire new knowledge.
A fourth-year cadet of the Military Academy, Marko Obućina, points out that after the camping at the "Krivul" Military Complex, another camp awaits them, at “Pasuljanske livade”.
- We are focused on one goal - to finish this, to take on our first commanding duties and to dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to further work
- said cadet Obućina.
Cadet Miljana Vukašinović is also in the final year of the Military Academy. She points out that their time at the camp is characterized by the spirit of unity, which is especially evident in fourth-year cadets, who will be assigned their initial officer duties in the units of the Serbian Armed Forces in September.
- In the past period, we had the opportunity to fire from 5.56 mm M21 automatic rifles and 7.9 mm M76 semi-automatic rifles, both locally produced systems, at the independent "Krivul" automated firing range. As a novelty, we had training and firing practice with the FN Scar assault rifle - cadet Vukašinović pointed out, adding that their knowledge and competence have been raised to a higher level.
One of the third-year cadets is Sara Lisinac, who says that the training is very interesting and that it gives cadets the opportunity to see everything they learned about at the Military Academy.
- We are building team spirit by helping each other in setting up camps, tents, making canals, as well as through various types of training. Our responsibilities here are not difficult for us, because we help each other. It is interesting that here we can see how we will train our troops one day, when we become officers. That is why it is very important that we undergo the training first - cadet Sara Lisinac pointed out.
Milan Kuzmanović, a member of the 137th class of Reserve Officers Course points out that the experience and impressions from the camp are quite positive.
- Here we have practical classes as part of the course on Weapons and Firing. Previously, we conducted firing practices from various locally produced weapons. I think that everyone should do their military service and that is the reason why I am here - says Milan Kuzmanović
The Chief of Staff of the Training Command, Colonel Nikola Dejanović also visited the camp.