
Cadets’ Graduation Exercise “Graduate 2020” Carried Out

Graduation Exercise of cadets from the Military Academy, MMA Medical Faculty and the students of the Reserve Officers Course - “Graduate 2020” took place today at the military compound “Pasuljanske livade”.
The exercise was attended by Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović.
 At Pasuljanske livade, the Military Academy carried out combined camping in the past several days, aimed at testing the degree of competence of the cadets from Artillery, Infantry and Armoured units branches and of Infantry branch students of the Reserve Officers Course in commanding artillery batteries, rifle and tank platoon, and in fire handling and management both in defence and offence. Competence of cadets belonging to branches of Aviation, Air-technical, Technical and Logistic services was also tested.

As Head of the Military Academy Major General Bojan Zrnić pointed out, the cadets had executed the exercise on that day which represented the crown of their military training.
- They had a very good support of the units of the Serbian Armed Forces in the execution of the exercise. We are grateful to the Chief of General Staff who has seen in person that we are readily waiting for September and the end of education for these cadets. Today’s exercise was evaluated as highly successful. The cadets have demonstrated an exceptional level of tactical and fire capabilities, and after a longer period of time, we had an opportunity to integrate the camping of all cadets of the final year, which showed a joint character of their camping - General Zrnić said.
 The cadets of the final year carried out live tactical exercises covering topics “Strengthened rifle platoon in defence”, “Tank platoon in assault” and “Artillery battery in assault”, and they demonstrated readiness to perform initial officer duties in the units of the Serbian Armed Forces.

Exercise, managed by Head of Tactics Department at the Military Academy Colonel Dejan Ranđelović, showed the work of telecommunication-information centre, procurement and maintenance stations, quartermaster and medical station and the manner of ordnance transport.

Cadet of the fourth year at the armoured units’ module Ivan Radovanović participated in today’s exercise as a marksman, but, as he pointed out, he had performed all the duties in order to prepare himself for the duty of a platoon commander.
- Today we saw a tank platoon conducting an assault. The exercise demonstrated the importance of combining theory and practice. We have gained significant experiences today for our future career - cadet Radovanović said.
 The fourth year cadet of the Military Academy at telecommunications module David Novaković underlines the importance of applying gained theoretical knowledge in practice, at an exercise such as “Graduate 2020”.

- My role in the exercise “Graduate 2020” was of a signals platoon commander, who was tasked to set up a mobile telecommunication-information centre at a tactical group command post, thus providing all necessary services in the field of telecommunication and information for the requirements of brigade level command - said cadet Novaković, stressing that despite difficult weather conditions, the work had been carried out without any problems and disturbances whatsoever.
At today’s exercise a female cadet at the Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy Nataša Mažić played a role of a doctor in reception-triage ward in a brigade medical station.

- I am rather satisfied with today’s exercise, and I believe that we have learnt a lot and we have successfully executed the exercise together – said cadet Mažić and she underlined the importance of applying theoretical knowledge in practice which would later help her in her work in some of medical units of the Serbian Armed Forces.
   At the exercise, a fourth year cadet on the Infantry department Ognjen Zlatić was a member of a rifle platoon. He underscored that everything that had been learned in theory had to be tried in practice as well, particularly in the field of Infantry.

Following today’s exercise, the cadets of the final year of all programmes of study at the Military Academy are to take exams and finish their graduation thesis, so that in the end of summer, they can be ceremoniously promoted in the rank of second lieutenant of the Serbian Armed Forces in front of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

Today’s exercise was attended by vice-chancellor of the University of Defence Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović, Commander of Air Force and Air Defence Major General Duško Žarković, Acting Commander of the Training Command Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević, Deputy Commander of the Army Brigadier General Vladeta Baltić, Head of Military Health Department Major General Uglješa Jovičić MD and students of 9th Class of Advanced Security and Defence Studies.