
Minister Stefanović visits newly admitted Military Academy cadets

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has visited first year Military Academy cadets, who arrived at Sombor’s basic training centres this weekend. The minister wished them a lot of success as they began their basic training and expressed satisfaction at their determination to join the ranks of the most courageous people in the country, adding that he expected them to be the foundation of the future development of our military.

Minister Stefanović was welcomed at Sombor’s "Aerodrom" Barracks by the commander of the First Training Centre, Colonel Lazar Ostojić, and Vice Rector for Science and Research, Colonel Ivan Vulić, PhD, who accompanied him on his visit to the new cadets.
– This is all new to them, but according to their instructors, they have shown complete dedication and exceptional motivation since they arrived in Sombor three days ago and it is clear that these people will make excellent officers in the future - said the minister.

According to him, these future officers have opted for interesting programmes of study.

– Here in Sombor, we have future military engineers, military pilots, and military finance officers. I have talked to them and from what I can gather, they are firmly determined to be part of our military, to become officers in four years’ time and join the ranks of the most courageous people in the country. I expect a lot from them, I expect them to be good pilots, engineers, officers, but above all, I expect them to be good people. I wish them the best of luck and I hope that their first days in the military will pass quickly, and that, after four years’ training and acquiring knowledge and skills at the Military Academy, they will be the foundation of the future development of our military - said Stefanović.

This weekend, the 147th class of the Military Academy cadets and the 14th class of students attending the Military Medical Academy’s Medical Faculty arrived at the "General Jovan Mišković" barracks in Banjica. Afterwards, they were sent to the training centres in Sombor and Valjevo.
Their basic training, which will last until September 30, will include facing, gaining basic knowledge of weapons, weapons and tactical training, and preparations for taking the oath of enlistment. In October, after their basic training, they will move to the Military Academy classrooms in Belgrade, to start the first semester of their studies.