
Graduation ceremony for Secondary Vocational Military School’s 49th Class

A graduation ceremony to honour the 49th Class who have finished the “1300 Corporals” Secondary Vocational Military School and their promotion to their first NCO rank was held today at the Military Academy.

Students majoring in Aircraft Electrical Equipment and Instruments within the Air Force and Air Defence study programme, and students who have completed the Electronic Warfare study programme were promoted to the rank of sergeant. The Rector of the Defence University, Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović, PhD, attended the ceremony.

The Commandant of the Military Academy, Colonel Srđan Blagojević, PhD, congratulated the students on the successful completion of secondary school, wishing them good health and happiness and expressing hope that they would show dedication in their new units. He also wished them a successful career that would make their homeland proud and that would contribute to Serbia’s well-being.

- They were given instruction and training according to the curricula designed in such a way that after four years of schooling, the students become excellent non-commissioned officers who are trained and qualified to work with people and the most modern means and equipment. Today, we can proudly say that the 49th Class of the "1300 Corporals" Secondary Vocational Military School is ready to take on all the tasks and challenges awaiting them - said Colonel Blagojević. 

Addressing the youngest sergeants of the Serbian Armed Forces, Head of the "1300 Corporals" Secondary Vocational Military School, Commander Srđan Miljković, said he was pleased that another generation of students had reached their first NCO rank.
- We, who have educated them over the past years and prepared them for their future work, are certain that they have acquired great professional knowledge that they will be able to apply in their new jobs and that they have understood what responsibility and commitment means both in work and in life. - said Commander Miljković. 

The Commandant of the Military Academy, Colonel Blagojević, presented awards to the most successful students – first-ranked Sergeant Dušan Mitrović (GPA 4.62), majoring in Aircraft Electrical Equipment at the Air Force and Air Defence study programme, second-ranked Sergeant Jelena Mitić (GPA 4.54) who has completed the Electronic Warfare study programme, and third-ranked Sergeant Stefan Vidaković (GPA 4.30), Electronic Warfare study programme.

Addressing the gathering, the best student in the 49th Class, Sergeant Dušan Mitrović, said that the youngest generation of non-commissioned officers would justify the trust placed in them and that they would serve the homeland faithfully.
- We owe a debt of gratitude for our first steps on this path and the acquired knowledge to our dedicated and experienced commanding officers and teachers who worked selflessly to convey their considerable experience and skill to us, giving us a task to preserve that treasure and pass it on to new, younger generations - Sergeant Mitrović highlighted.

At the ceremony, students of the “1300 Corporals” Secondary Vocational Military School and Military Grammar School, as well as cadets of the Military Academy performed a programme including various art forms.  

Today's ceremony was also attended by members of the collegiums of the Rector of the Defence University and the Commandant of the Military Academy, representatives of the Air Force and Air Force Command and the Electronic Warfare Units, students of the Secondary Vocational Military School and the Military Grammar School, as well as teachers, parents and relatives of the youngest sergeants.