
Third module of Regional Strategic Leadership Course completed

A ceremony to mark the completion of the Third Module of the Regional Strategic Leadership Course was held at the Guard Club in Topčider. The aim of the three-day course organized by the Defence University was to strengthen cooperation with the Western Balkan countries and Austria.

The participants discussed a comprehensive and strategic approach to regional defence cooperation on higher military education and training, current international relations, security challenges and threats, as well as their impact on regional energy and general security.
Assistant Minister for Defence Policy, Predrag Bandić, congratulated the course participants and organizers, highlighting the importance of a successful cooperation model for all participating countries. On the last day of the course, participants exchanged impressions and opinions about energy security and the "Open Balkan" initiative.

The Commandant of the Austrian National Defence Academy, Lieutenant General Erich Csitkovits, and course director, Wolfgang Baumann, PhD, addressed the participants, thanking everyone for their cooperation in important strategic issues, and presented certificates to the participants of the Third Module of the Regional Strategic Leadership Course.
The Rector of the Defence University, Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović, PhD, also presented gifts.
Among the course participants were Assistant Minister of Defence for Human Resources, Katarina Tomašević, and Head of the International Military Cooperation Department, Colonel Nebojša Svjetlica.

The third module of the Regional Strategic Leadership Course was scheduled as part of the 2022 International Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Defence and it is the result of the conclusions of a meeting in the so-called “Graz Format” between defence ministers of Austria and Western Balkan countries”.