The Celebration of the Day of the Strategic Research Institute and the Military Archives
Today in the barracks "General Jovan Mišković" in Belgrade, the Day of the Strategic Research Institute and the Military Archives, 5th February, was solemnly celebrated. The ceremony was attended by the members of the Collegium of the Rector of the University of Defence, led by the Vice Rector for Quality and Development, Colonel Prof. Boban Đorović, PhD, representatives of the Military Academy, the School of National Defence and other guests.

Pointing to the most significant activities and results of the Institute and the Military Archives in the previous year, the director of the Institute, AssociateProf. Jovanka Šaranović, PhD, mentioned a number of scientific research projects whose implementation is ongoing. She emphasised that the projects "Physiognomy of Modern Armed Conflicts" and "Projection of Trends Important for the Security of the Republic of Serbia until 2030" are in the final phase, and that the members of the Institute are already directed towards the next project cycle and the launch of new projects. Also, she pointed to a significant number of works published last year, as well as scientific conferences, lectures, promotions of published works, exhibitions and activities in which the members of the Institute and the Military Archives participated. In addition, the director emphasised that last year the Institute confirmed its competence to carry out scientific research activities by receiving re-accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Like every year, director Šaranović thanked the Military Academy and the School of National Defence for their successful cooperation.

After the speech of director Šaranović, on behalf of the University of Defence, the audience was addressed by Colonel Prof. Boban Đorović, Phd. He praised the results of the Institute and the Military Archives in the previous year, and congratulated their members on the development of scientific research and archival activities within the defence system. He gave special attention to the work of the Military Archives, noting that its members successfully completed tasks last year, as well as in the previous years, despite extremely difficult conditions for their completion.

Congratulating the holiday, Vice Rector Đorović, director Šaranović, and the director of the Military Archives, Colonel Petar Ivanović, gave awards to the most deserving individuals from the Institute and the Military Archives in the previous year.