The High Security and Defense Studies attendees visit MIA
The attendees of the High Security and Defense Studies have visited today the Military Intelligence Agency (MIA) of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia.

Major General Zoran Stojkovic, the Director of MIA, informed the attendees about the key elements of the Agency, its place and role within security intelligence system of the Republic of Serbia, legal framework, organizational structure, jurisdiction and tasks. Also, he has emphasized the importance of the High Security and Defense Studies, since they offer a possibility of a broader overview of the global geostrategic and geopolitical processes as well as that the knowledge gained during the studies helps in performing entrusted duties and tasks.
Colonel Branko Misic, chief of the High Security and Defense Studies, has expressed thanks on the behalf of the Defense University, the National Defense School ‘’Vojvoda Radomir Putnik’’ and attendees, for the reception, highlighting that the visit to the MIA has a great importance in training of the civil servants, officials and members of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces.
On this occasion, the attendees also visited a permanent exhibition of the Military Intelligence.