
Mock drill for Military Academy cadets

Members of the 264th CBRN Battalion have conducted a mock drill for the final year Military Academy cadets attending the Infantry and Armored Units modules.

The CBRN members demonstrated the preparation, organization and execution of tasks related to radiological, chemical and biological decontamination of people, weapons and technical assets of an infantry company. 
The cadets had an opportunity to see the role of the unit in taking special CBRN countermeasures and to familiarize themselves with the methodology used, from the preparation of personnel and protective equipment, setting up a decontamination post with all its elements, to the practical use of decontamination agents and equipment.
They were shown how the modern domestically produced multi-purpose mobile decontamination platform (MPD-09) works. This platform is designed to integrate five other assets – decontamination tanker, water tanker, fire-fighting vehicle, water pump and decontamination device.

The purpose of the cadets’ visit to this Army unit was to attend special lessons in the subjects of Infantry Tactics and Armored Units Tactics. These lessons give the cadets an insight into the functioning of SAF units, and are part of their thorough preparations for their initial duties once they are promoted into their first officer ranks.